Our 1:1 initiative, which has been adopted by SCS for all grades, will enhance learning for our students using 21st Century Skills. Learning results from continuous dynamic interaction among students, educators, parents, and the extended community. Effective teaching and learning with devices integrates technology into the curriculum anytime, anyplace.
Shelbyville Central Schools is proud to offer our students Apple Devices for use at school and at home. Our 1:1 Device Program, which provides mobile computing and wireless technology to SCS Students has been designed to enhance the delivery and individualization of instruction. For students and parents/guardians, the following information is provided to help everyone understand the expectations and the responsibility of care and use related to receiving a Device.
Below you can find links to our 1:1 Handbook as well as information for our Protection Plan for 1:1 Device.
Steps to setup your iPad for grades 6-12
Below are the setup instructions for student iPads in grades 6-12. Students will need to know their computer network login in order to complete the process of setting up their student iPads. This is not needed in the elementary levels. Parents can find their student's network login if they log in to the Parent PowerSchool Portal and scroll to the bottom of the first page.
Click here for the instructions for setting up an student iPad in Grades 6-12
SCS Protection Plan for 1:1 Device Shelbyville Central Schools will offer an optional protection plan for student iPads. Enrollment in the SCS 1:1 Device Protection Plan is optional with the understanding that parents/students carry increased financial liability if no protection plan is selected. SCS Protection Plan covers “accidental damage” to the device and is designed to limit a family’s financial responsibilities for damages to a student's iPad.
If a family chooses not to participate in the SCS iPad Protection Plan for 1:1 Student Devices, the family will be responsible for the full cost of any repair or replacement of the student device. Fill out and return the form below to your child's school for the 1:1 Device Protection Plan.
SCS 1:1 Handbook for the 1:1 Initiative